Links and Resources

Bavelier, D., Green, C. S., Han, D. H., Renshaw, P. F., Merzenich, M. M., & Gentile, D. A. (2011). Brains on video games. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 12, 763-768. Retrieved from


Sorden, D. (2005). A cognitive approach to instructional design for multimedia learning. Informing Science Journal, 8, 263-279. Retrieved from unproductive multimedia instructional practices.pdf


TOJET (The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology) is an online international electronic journal, published four times a year (January, April, July, and October). Articles may be contributed at any time for publication consideration. Potential articles are reviewed by members of an editorial review committee, and those published in TOJET are referenced in such indexing services as SSCI, ERIC, EBSCO ONLINE, and EBSCO CD ROM Database, DOAJ and AERA SEG.

The Week in Digital Media & Learning | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning

The Week in Digital Media & Learning

The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) will hold its annual conference March 5-7 in Washington, D.C. The organization has been one of the leaders in helping school administrators respond to digital media challenges

at the policy and organizational level. According to the press release

CoSN 2012: Reimagine Learning

Will explore how educational systems can leverage mobile devices and transition to digital resources, and how to make this happen during an economic crisis where the new normal requires us to do more with less.

Speakers include Karen Cator, John Seely Brown, Nichole Pinkard, and Larry Johnson. Spotlight readers may be especially interested in the 2012 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) & CoSN International Symposium , focused this year on the potential of mobile learning technologies.

More information, including how to register is available at CoSN