Chadia Moghrabi, Remy Mazerolle and Adnen Barhoumib (2009)

Experimenting with an E-learning Tool (2009)


This paper will present some preliminary experimentation with the usability of an e-learning tool. LogiAteur is a tool that intends to improve the effectiveness of e-learning software and environments.  This aim is achieved by designing it with a number of criteria:

−LogiAteur has a collaborative environment where teachers and students can collaborate. The teacher can structure the course content by chapter or by problem or by case study, thus allowing for problem based learning, an approach quite appreciated in the educational community.

−He/she can edit the content itself by using an in house editor, or can choose to import an existing document written in whatever standard format, such as Word, Excel, PDF, etc.

−The chat room allows for discussion groups thus creating a collaborative learning environmentwhere students could comment on a problem or a home work.

The software was tested in a 9th grade class where the data was collected. A new adaptability module, InStyle, based on learning styles is being designed and added to it.


Chadia Moghrabi, Ph.D. and Rémy Mazerolle and Adnen Barhoumi are all part of the Département d’informatique at the Université de Moncton